Alphacanis Eurasiers
Alphacanis Eurasiers

Everendeavor Dynasty of Anitra

Our youngest Eurasier, Annie is a very sweet, friendly and fun-loving Eurasier who I imported from Canada. She is doing consistently well at shows, but she is not shown very much.

Annie's first litter , sired by a son of our Sheeba, is now almost fully health-checked and we are very pleased with the results.

Sadly, due to lockdown regulations we had to postpone our litter, so we are now planning another litter from her for winter 2020/2021.

Pamina von der kleinen Blaike

Pamina was the only German Eurasier in the UK.
She was a very healthy (fully health-tested), extremely good-natured and affectionate bitch. She has been shown very successfully, and has won a Junior Championship title and 'Top 10 Eurasiers' in her homeland, Germany.
She is only lightly shown here in the UK and gave us 2 beautiful litters.


Pamina sadly passed away at 14 1/2 years of age. She will forever be missed. There will never be another quite like her.

Alphacanis Bethsheba

Alphacanis Bethsheba

Click on the picture to get to her photo-album

We are located at:

Richmond / Surrey


Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to get in touch, please contact us:


+44 020 88764123 +44 020 88764123


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copyright of all contents and photos Alphacanis Eurasiers 2005-2018